Saturday 14 March 2009


Egyptian mythology claims that the world was created by masturbation and that even Gods indulged in this practise and actually created other Gods through masturbation. Its immensity is so great that it cannot be ignored. But before Freud and his followers came along to create the round about turn in the theory and practise of sex, all the other intellectuals had one problem. how could they give some ethical justification to masturbation. Could there be a morality about this practise? A practise, which all religions had claimed as degrading and taboo! This dilemma exists even today, however if this most common of activities was self-denied by everyone for whatever reason. It is likely to create much more disharmony in the family and society. People would become irrated, uncontented, frustrated, angry and even voilent towards family, friends and the society in general. Who will deny that masturbation can and is not drastically decreasing rape, molestation and other sexual offences? Bertrand Russel once wrote:

"We should be proud of prostitutes, who are saving our wives, sisters and mothers from all sorts of sexual harrassments, including rape. They are true social workers."

Masturbation is doing more than prostitution can do or ever did. Morever it is known to be one of the safest sexual activites. Research, though inconclusive, shows it may protect a person from prostate cancer.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!

    I enjoyed reading this, very informative
