Monday, 13 April 2009

Comments on "Rebellious Revolutions are the way forward" by Nicola

An excellent posting - we must always keep an open mind and live in peace with other people’s ideologies even if they contradict our own. Who has not held a belief which he later realised was wrong? We change our views all the time. To question and enquire is the path to the realisation of truth. The important thing is that we have the freedom to express ourselves. The earth revolves around the sun and not vice versa, neither mankind nor religion believed this simple fact once, now both accept it without a thought. It was because of the voice of one man, who rebelled against mankind, which included every preacher of every religious and non religious ideology of the world. Yet there is still much to be achieved in fact there always will be something to achieve so we should never let the momentum of the rebellion decrease or pause.

Sudareth Kumar

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